Announcing EasyCapture 0.51

Announcing the release of EasyCapture version 0.51 released under the GPLv3. What is EasyCapture you ask? It's a simple image hosting/capturing script designed to make hosting/linking of web images easier. If you post on forums, LiveJournal, or EBay the process for hosting an image is some times tedious. EasyCapture makes hosting images as simple as two clicks!

With EasyCapture all you have to do is navigate to a web page with an image. Use the provided bookmarklet and select the image to capture. EasyCapture not only hosts the image for you, it creates a thumbnail for easy linking, and HTML you can use for that linking.

I made EasyCapture as simple to use as possible. Just extract the files to a PHP enabled web directory and you're done. Zero configuration is required (but is available). View the INSTALL file, or the README file now.

Requirements: PHP 5.0+, and the GD Image library (included with PHP). FreeType is recommended, but not required.

Sample Images:
wookie-grope.jpg lego-trogdor-burnination.jpg hamster_machine_gun.jpg

battledolphin.jpg diet_coke_with_bacon.jpg son-goku.jpg

Download: easy-capture-0.51.tar.gz

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