Perl Sexy Data Structure

Just an example of a weird/exotic/sexy data structure in Perl. This is correct syntax, just in case I need to reference it in the future.

%hash = (
    1 => 'one',
    2 => 'two',
    3 => {
        'blind' => 'mice',
        'musketeers' => 'men',
        4 => 'four',
        5 => {
            'spanish' => 'cinco',
            'french' => 'cinq',
            'german' => 'fünf',
    6 => [7,8,9,10],
    11 => {
        'level-1' => {
            'level-2' => {
                'level-3' => "last",
    12 => [
    13 => [
        {'one' => 1},
        {'two' => 2},

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